Do we understand the rescue equipment located by the water?

The fundamental idea behind WaterSmart is:

1. Everyone should be able to float
2. Everyone should be able to save themselves
3. Everyone should be able to save others

Big team of children is explained about Lifeboard
Open water training
Preventive work
Pop-up events
Learning through play
Water safety for everyone


In order to anchor WaterSmart in areas across Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, we have established collaborations with various local associations, DGI's Ocean Rescue Camps, and local municipalities in recent years.

Through structured activities and games, we help children and young people understand how to behave in open water. For us, it is important that water safety education takes place at eye level, and we adjust and tailor our activities to the target audiences.

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Children try out a LifeBoard

LifeBoard Pop-Up

We visit your local LifeBoard beach. Here, you can swim with a LifeBoard and throw a lifebuoy. We inform both locals and tourists about how everyone can contribute to water safety.

LifeBoard can be a part of an already planned program or be an independent activity at your Profile beach, Blue Flag beach, or Bathing Spot.

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Scientific study: LifeBoard is faster and less exhausting

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LifeBoard Split Test Brochure

Split test

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In Denmark, unfortunately, we have too little knowledge about rescue equipment, how it is used, and how much of a difference it can make in the outcome of a drowning accident.

At LifeBoard, we have taken it upon ourselves to address this issue, and that's why we conduct ongoing user surveys by the water.

We do this through methods such as 'split tests in the water,' data collection, and studies on user behavior. In collaboration with Aalborg University, we are currently examining the level of exhaustion associated with various types of rescue equipment.

Read about Lifeboard

Water Safety Ambassadors

Does your club/association want to increase knowledge about rescue equipment and what to do in the event of a drowning accident? Below you can apply for LifeBoards and an activity package for training young people in open water.

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Man on beach explained about Lifeboard

Frequently asked questions

Any questions about LifeBoard Products? Get your answers here and learn more about our dedicated service plan and terms of sale. 

Is LifeBoard safe to use?

LifeBoard is designed with special care to provide life-critical buoyancy for both the rescuer and the distressed individual. Therefore, we have designed LifeBoard with:

1. a safety strap to ensure that the equipment is not lost during a rescue operation

2. Nine handles that provide stabilization for multiple distressed individuals. 

3.A foam-filled core that ensures buoyancy even if the plastic shell is damaged

Leading research in the field states that 97% of all fatal drownings occur during rescue attempts without the use of buoyancy aids. This recognizes buoyancy aids as a critical element in increasing the safety of both the rescuer and the victim.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance that civilian rescuers take a buoyancy aid with them. Where other buoyancy aids may provide buoyancy for 1-2 people, we have designed LifeBoard with buoyancy for up to six people. That's why we believe LifeBoard is the best choice for a high buoyancy rescue device for civilian lifesaving.

Is LifeBoard simple to use?

LifeBoard is developed with the vision that our rescue equipment should be usable by everyone. LifeBoard is therefore designed for and tested by more than 200 civilian users with different water skills, gender, age and background. We have collected data from our tests and continuously optimized and adjusted the equipment so that as many people as possible have good conditions for using the equipment. This does not mean that everyone can and should perform a civilian rescue. It means that if you feel able to stop the accident, we have done everything we can to give you the best conditions to do just that.

Because rescue is never simple, but we believe LifeBoard is the simplest and safest option for civilian rescue equipment.

Who can use LifeBoard?

Lifesaving is not for everyone. In LifeBoard, we also allocate a portion of our time and resources to preventive efforts. If people learn how to behave in open water, fewer and fewer will end up in tragic drowning situations

That said, it's a fact that people go into the water to save each other. We strongly encourage assessing the situation before entering the water, but also understand that a father doesn't wait on land while his daughter is drowning. That's why LifeBoard is designed for anyone who finds it necessary to perform a civilian rescue.

One should always call 1-1-2 before attempting a rescue, and one should avoid entering water conditions that they are not comfortable swimming in. If one does enter such conditions, they should always bring rescue equipment.

If a rescue device, such as a LifeBoard, is brought along, both the rescuer's and the distressed person's buoyancy are increased. The distressed person is often in a state of panic or shock and may tend to grab onto the rescuer. If the rescuer does not have a flotation device, it can, in unfortunate cases, result in the unintended drowning of the rescuer.  Therefore, it is absolutely essential for the rescuer to carry a flotation device for civilian lifesaving. 

What is LifeBoard WaterSmart?

At LifeBoard, we have developed rescue equipment for civilians to prevent drowning accidents right now. However, we are equally invested in preventive efforts. Therefore, we collaborate with schools, associations, and universities to create more and better knowledge in this field.

That's why we also organize activities at beaches throughout the summer, teaching children and young people about water safety through play and fun activities. Our vision with WaterSmart is that children and young people learn how to handle open water through play. That way, we might be able to stop an accident before it happens.